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MIC has been tested on Mac, Linux, and Windows Platforms


  1. Python >= 3.6
  2. Docker

If using MIC with a Jupyter Notebook, the following Python package is also needed: 3. cwltool

Getting Python 3

To install Python:

You can also complete the installation using alternative distribution such as Anaconda, a popular platform for scientists. If you plan on using Anaconda, we recommend that you set up MIC in a new environment.

$ conda create --name myenv
$ conda activate myenv

Detailed instructions are available here.



Note that MIC has been designed to run Unix-based applications. Windows based applications (e.g., models that execute through an .exe) are not currently supported.

Installing MIC

MIC install through pip. No Anaconda distribution currently available.

$ pip install mic

To check your installation:

$ mic version
mic v1.3.7

Development version

If you want to install the latest development version, open a terminal and type:

$ pip install git+ -U
Note that the development version may be unstable.

Code Releases and Next Updates

The latest release of MIC is available from GitHub. You can also check current development from our GitHub milestones.