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Usage add model

mic model

To show the available commands for modes, type:

$ mic model --help
And you will see the following:
Usage: mic model [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

  Command to create and edit Models

  --help  Show this message and exit.

  add   Add a model
  load  Load a model from file
The add command guides you through adding new model metadata.

The load command allows you to load an existing json file with the model metadata.

Adding a new model

To add a model, you must run:

$ mic model add

You will be shown a table to fill such as:

======= Model ======
The actual values are:
|   no. | Property       | Value   |
|     1 | Name           |         |
|     2 | Description    |         |
|     3 | Keywords       |         |
|     4 | Website        |         |
|     5 | Documentation  |         |
|     6 | Versions       |         |
|     7 | Author         |         |
|     8 | Contributor    |         |
|     9 | Contact person |         |
|    10 | License        |         |
|    11 | Category       |         |
|    12 | Creation date  |         |
|    13 | Assumptions    |         |
|    14 | Download URL   |         |
|    15 | Logo           |         |
|    16 | Purpose        |         |
|    17 | Citation       |         |
Select the property to edit [1-17] or ['show', 'save', 'send', 'exit'] [1]:

Next, select the property you wish to complete. For example name. By typing the number of the property (in this case, 1), you will see:

No value for Name
Definition: Name of the model
Model - Name : Height Above Nearest Drainage (HAND)
Note that each property includes a definition, explaining what the property aims to describe. In this case, we added as name "Height Above Nearest Drainage (HAND)". When pressing enter, the table will be completed:

======= Model ======
The actual values are:
|   no. | Property       | Value                                    |
|     1 | Name           | ['Height Above Nearest Drainage (HAND)'] |
|     2 | Description    |                                          |
<Rest of the table ommitted for simplicity>

Send your model to Model Catalog

Once you are done, you just have to type send and the model will be sent. you will be prompted with a message to save your model description, and a URL which you can use to browse if the metadata was correctly posted to the Model Catalog. The message should look similar to:

Select the property to edit [1-17] or ['show', 'save', 'send', 'exit'] [1]: send
Enter the file name to save (without extension): : MySavedModel
File saved successfully
See the model/config/setup on your browser? [y/N]: y
Online URI for model/configuration/setup:<modelID>
Where <modelID> is the ID provided by the API to the target model.


Please carefully review your metadata before sending it to the server. At the moment MIC does not support editing model metadata. If you submit an entry twice, you will create two different entries for your model.